
Showing posts from October, 2006

Life without Chrsit is crisis

Life without Christ is full of crisis Beloved give your life to Christ Experience life to the fullest Enjoy happiness beyond measure Express love, hope and trust Empathise with those who are perishing Explore the Kingdom of Jesus Before it is too late Before the gate is closed

Abide Under His Anointing

To fight life's dangerous battles ? Abide in Him! To conquer the fiery darts of the enemy? Abide in Him! To smile in the midst of storms ? Abide in Him! To battle the surging waves Abide in Him! To let your anchor grip Abide in Him! To love your enemies and friends Abide in Him! To keep your christian vows Abide in Him! To keep your head above the waters ? Abide in Him! To hold on to life in times of sickness ? Abide in Him! To survive in the furnace ? Abide in Him! To survive official scandals ? Abide in Him! Abide under His annointing Always Abide in Him. Written by Isabella Gyau Orhin Can be reproduced with permission

He touched my life

It was a grim life, Until I met Jesus I thought I was happy Until I met him, I thought I was glad, Until our paths crossed, I thouhgt I had more Until I realised I was empty I thought I had company Until I realised I was alone He touched my life And now I have all. What about you? Until When? Wirtten by Isabella Gyau Orhin, Can be reproduced without Permission

Jesus is in Love with You

Dear friend, This is a blog dedicated to the Ministry of Jesus Christ which is reflected in the Great Commission in Mattew 28:19 that we should Go to all people everywhere and make them His Disciples: baptise them in the name of the father, the Son and the holy Spirit and teach them to obey everything he has commanded us. God bless you for sharing our blog and please pass on this blog address and information to others, both christians and non-christians to visit and share with us too. God bless you and your family. Our message to you is that Jesus loves you.We invite you to give your life to him, and expereince the essence of living. Without him, there is no life. Lots of love, Isabella Gyau Orhin and Thomas Kojo Orhin Directors of Jesus Saves Ministry