
Showing posts from October, 2012

He Is The God Of Your Valleys Too-Joseph Prince

1 Kings 20:23 23 Then the servants of the king of Syria said to him, “Their gods are gods of the hills. Therefore they were stronger than we; but if we fight against them in the plain, surely we will be stronger than they. In 1 Kings 20, we find the Syrians being defeated by the Israelites. Then, some of the Syrian king’s advisers gave the king what they thought was the reason for their defeat. They said that they had fought on the hills and lost because Israel’s God is the God of the hills. So if they were to fight the Israelites on the plains or in the valleys, they would win. What stupid advice! They thought that the God of Israel only helped His people up in the hills and mountains, and not down in the valleys. Now, mountains refer to our good times, and valleys, our bad times. Some people have this idea that God is the God of our ...

A Table In The Presence Of Your Enemies

Meditate On You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:5–6 Heartbroken and devastated when her 18-year-old daughter told her that she hated her and left home, a mother from Texas developed high blood pressure and started hemorrhaging badly. One day, she tuned in to one of my broadcasts and heard me preach about Jesus’ finished work at Calvary. She got my series on the Holy Communion and took it every day as she looked to the Lord’s finished work to heal her body and restore her relationship with her daughter. Six months later, this same mother wrote to tell me that she was healed of high blood pressure and no longer bleeding. God was also restoring her relationship with her daughter who had returned home. Today, she is taking Communion daily with her husband...

Righteously Forgiven And Justified-Joseph Prince

Meditate On …all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Romans 3:23–24 God did not justify and bless us on the foundation of pity or mercy. He did it on an even higher foundation—the foundation of undisputed grace and righteousness. He delivered up His Son, Jesus Christ. On the cross, God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, so that we could become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21). God judged Jesus, punishing Him with our punishments, diseases and curses. Jesus took it all upon Himself and exhausted it all in His person, and cried out, “It is finished!” (John 19:30). Jesus paid the ultimate price, so that God could legally and righteously forgive, justify and bless us. Today, if the enemy whispers to you, “You deserve to be in this mess because of what you did last year,” you can boldly declare, “At the cross, Jesus took all the b...

God Will Cause Your Gift To Prosper You-Joel Osteen

Proverbs 17:8 8 A present is a precious stone in the eyes of its possessor; wherever he turns, he prospers. When we see something moldy, we throw it away. But when Alexander Fleming saw his culture dishes contaminated with mold, he discovered penicillin. You see, he had a gift which prospered him. Joseph, a Hebrew slave in Egypt, had nothing except his gift of interpreting dreams. But look at what that gift did for him. It prospered him. He interpreted Pharaoh’s dream and became the most powerful man in Egypt after Pharaoh. (Genesis 41) “But Pastor Prince, what if I don’t have any gift?” My friend, don’t let anyone tell you that you don’t have any gift. God has given each person a gift which can open doors of opportunities and bring in great blessings. Maybe you are just not aware of that gift you have inside you, or perhaps it h...

A Gift from God-Joel Osteen

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.” (Ephesians 2:8, NKJV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria We serve such a loving, gracio...

You Are God’s Beloved-Joseph Prince

Ephesians 1:6 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved. At the Jordan river, Jesus heard His Father say to Him, “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:22) Later, in the wilderness, Jesus heard the devil say to Him, “If You are the Son of God…” (Luke 4:3) Notice that the devil not only questioned Jesus’ sonship, but he also dropped the word “beloved” when he said to Jesus, “If You are the Son of God…” You see, the devil cannot remind you that you are God’s beloved because when you know this truth, whatever he wants to bring against you will not succeed! Many girls are giving away their virginity because they need to feel wanted and loved. And young boys join gangs to feel accepted because they have been rejected and made to feel worthless by others. But when you kno...

Stored Up Blessings

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You in the presence of the sons of men!” (Psalm 31:19, NKJV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria Scripture talks abo...

Forgiveness is for You-Joel Osteen

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” (Luke 6:37, NKJV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria Did you know...

Your Tithe Testifies That Jesus Lives!-Joseph Prince

Meditate On Here mortal men receive tithes, but there he receives them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives…who has come, not according to the law of a fleshly commandment, but according to the power of an endless life. Hebrews 7:8, 16 When you have a revelation that the Lord is the source of every blessing you have, and tithe out of a heart of gratitude for His provision in your life, Hebrews 7:8 tell us that you are not tithing to mortal men, but to Christ who lives . You are tithing to Jesus our High Priest, whose priesthood is after the order of Melchizedek—“according to the power of an endless life ” (Hebrews 7:14–17). That is why when you bring your tithes, you are declaring that Jesus is indeed alive in your life! Do you know what it means to have Jesus alive in your life? It means that He will come into your negative circumstance and turn it around for your good! It means that there will be tokens, signs and wonders that He is alive in your ...

Crushed For Our Total Well-Being-Joseph Prince

Meditate On But the Lord was pleased to crush Him, putting Him to grief… Isaiah 53:10, NASB How is holy anointing oil produced? By crushing olives in an oil press to extract the oil. This is a beautiful picture of the crushing of our Lord Jesus, which began in the Garden of Gethsemane. “Gethsemane” literally means “oil press.” The Bible tells us that Jesus was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. Jesus came to be crushed for us. He came to be bruised, scourged and pierced. Why? So that all that He is—health, life, wholeness, abundance, fruitfulness, grace, goodness—can flow out like golden oil into our lives! My friend, whenever you use the holy anointing oil for healing, provision or protection, remember that Jesus has already been crushed for your total well-being. See the work as completely finished and enter into rest. That’s ho...

A Different Spirit-Joel Osteen

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “But My servant Caleb, because he has had a different spirit and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land which he entered, and his descendants shall take possession of it.” (Numbers 14:24, NASB) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria ...

Forgive And Let God Do The Rest-Joseph Prince

Ephesians 4:32 32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. People like to say, “I can forgive, but I cannot forget.” Have you heard that before? Now, in the first place, nowhere in the Bible does God tell you to forgive and then to forget . It is not in the Bible! The devil is adding something here to make the whole thing burdensome. God only tells us to forgive because God in Christ has forgiven us a debt we cannot pay. When we do this, we do ourselves a favor because harboring bitterness and unforgiveness can sometimes destroy our health! So just forgive and let God take care of the rest. When you really forgive, sometimes, He makes you forget. But sometimes, you still re...

Health Through The Oil, Bread And Wine-Joseph Prince

Meditate On The Lord will answer and say to His people, “Behold, I will send you grain and new wine and oil, and you will be satisfied by them… Joel 2:19 A brother from New Zealand shared an amazing healing testimony with me. After undergoing two surgeries, he was diagnosed with grade eight prostate cancer and given a grim report by his specialist. A couple, who were elders from his church, anointed him with oil and prayed over him. He felt God’s power go through him. Following this, his wife would anoint him every night with a bottle of oil, and they would pray and take the Holy Communion together. His symptoms started to disappear and he began to feel so much better. At his next checkup, his specialist was amazed. She proclaimed his blood test report ‘‘fantastic” because it showed all indicators in the normal range! Beloved, the oil, bread and wine represent Jesus’ finished work at the cross. Jesus provided His own body to be punished for the h...

The Life Of Jesus Is In You-Joseph Prince

John 10:10 10 … I [Jesus] have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. Though Jesus is completely God, He was born completely human. He went through temptation after temptation and conquered every one of them. (Hebrews 4:15) And all that overcoming power is found in His life. And He put that life in you — the life of Christ is in you! During Jesus’ ministry on earth, He conquered sickness, the winds and waves, the powers of darkness and death. It is His life that brings victory over the devil and all his works. And He put that life in you — the life of Christ is in you! Finally, Jesus went to the cross. And that life in Him put an end to everything that was natural of the Adamic race — sickness, poverty, failures, pains, curses and death. All that was natural ceased to be in that life of His. But all th...

Clothed With Jesus’ Robe Of Righteousness-Joseph Prince

Leviticus 1:6 6 And he shall skin the burnt offering and cut it into its pieces. Do you know who first clothed man with coats of skin? It was God Almighty Himself, when He found Adam and Eve hiding behind the bushes because they were afraid of Him. They had become fearful and conscious that they had sinned against God. In their sin-consciousness, they realized that they were naked and that the glory of God, which had been their covering, was gone. So God killed an animal to clothe Adam and Eve with coats of skin. (Genesis 3:21) An animal had to die and its bloodied skin became their covering. This speaks of the blood of Jesus that covers you when He became your burnt offering. The Lamb of God did not just take away your sins. He also gave you His righteousness. Beloved, you are covered by Jesus’ blood. You are righteous by His blood. ...

Blessed In More Ways Than One-Joseph Prince

Romans 5:1 1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, We are not trying to get peace with God. We already have peace with God, having been justified by faith through our Lord Jesus Christ. This peace with God brings us the peace of God, which guards our hearts and minds. (Philippians 4:7) Then, the peace of God inside us will also translate into the peace of God outside us — in all our outward circumstances. Firstly, we will find that what would normally cause us much care and anxiety will no longer be the case. Secondly, not only will everything turn out well, but we will also be blessed in more ways than one. This is what happens when Jesus, the Prince of Peace, is our peace. A church member, though stricken with cancer, enjoyed the peace of God, knowing that He was her healer...

God Keeps His Promises

Meditate On It was by faith that even Sarah was able to have a child, though she was barren and was too old. She believed that God would keep His promise. Hebrews 11:11, NLT How do you continue to believe God for the breakthrough that you need when you don’t feel that you have the faith to go on? My friend, the answer lies in today’s scripture. Sarah was “barren and was too old” to have a child, but “by faith” she received strength to conceive and gave birth to Isaac. Her faith was involved. How did Sarah exercise her faith to receive her miracle? She simply “believed that God would keep His promise.” In other words, she banked on the faithfulness of God. Her eyes were not on her faith or lack of it, nor were they on how tough her natural circumstances were. When you feel that your faith has run out, just rest in how God is always faithful! Count on His faithfulness, not your faithfulness. Lean hard on the fact that He remains faithful even when y...

The Spirit Of Sonship-Joseph Prince

Meditate On For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by Him we cry, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15, NIV The Spirit of sonship which we have received from God is the Spirit by which we cry, “ Abba , Father.” Have you ever cried to God like He is your Daddy? Yes, He is El Shaddai . He is Elohim . But in the new covenant He is Daddy! The Holy Spirit put the Aramaic word “ Abba ” there, which means “Daddy” or “Papa” in English, and didn’t have it translated because He wants us to know that God is not a distant, impersonal being, but a close and intimate Daddy! That is the Spirit of sonship.   My friend, when you pray, learn to say, “Dear Daddy God…” Forget the formalities and traditions of man. Just call Him “Daddy”, and sense His closeness to you. You can bring all your cares, worries and anxieties to Him, knowing that the all-powerful King of the universe is your Daddy! At the ...

The Time of Favor-Joel Osteen

TODAY'S SCRIPTURE “That day the LORD exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they revered him all the days of his life...” (Joshua 4:14, NIV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria I love the promise...

When You Rest, God Works

Meditate On Then she [Naomi] said, “Sit still, my daughter, until you [Ruth] know how the matter will turn out; for the man [Boaz] will not rest until he has concluded the matter this day.” Ruth 3:18 Boaz wanted to redeem Ruth from all her financial woes and marry her. However, according to the custom of the day, he could do so only after a relative closer to Ruth gave up his right to redeem Ruth. So Boaz went to the gate of Bethlehem to settle the matter with this relative. When Ruth’s mother-in-law, Naomi, heard what had transpired, she told Ruth to sit still and not be anxious, because Boaz would not rest until he had successfully resolved the matter concerning Ruth that very day. Now, because Boaz is a picture of Jesus, our kinsman Redeemer, the truth here is that when we “sit still” and not be anxious, Jesus goes to work on our behalf! Beloved, what provision challenge are you facing today? A troubling bodily symptom? The fear of losing your ...

You Can Have True Rest Every Day

He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself… 1 Corinthians 14:4 The prophet Isaiah describes speaking in tongues as “the rest” and “the refreshing” (Isaiah 28:11–12). In the New Testament, the apostle Paul tells us that the believer who speaks in a tongue “edifies himself.” The word “edify” here is oikodomeo , which means to build up, restore and repair. I have found all this to be true, especially when I’m tired after a long flight. Many a time, despite the jet lag, praying in the Holy Spirit has given me a supernatural rest and energy to carry on preaching and ministering! My friend, one of the best ways to be refreshed, to enter into rest and remain restful is to pray in tongues throughout the day. You can pray in tongues under your breath on your way to work or while having your coffee break. If you are a homemaker, you can pray in tongues while cooking or doing the laundry. Beloved, when you involve the Holy Spirit and are restful, how can you not...

Whose Report Will You Believe?-Joel Osteen

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “I have heard a report from the Lord...” (Jeremiah 49:14, AMP) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria ...

How To Tune In To The Spirit’s Leading

Meditate On For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. Romans 8:14, NLT One of the great benefits of praying in tongues is that it sensitizes you to the leading of the Holy Spirit. A brother from our church was tormented by panic attacks and depressed to the point of being suicidal. He had other health issues too and had to take many pills each night just to get a bit of sleep. But he started to pray in tongues after he heard me preach on the subject, and experienced divine peace. Every day, he just prayed in tongues. The more he did that, the more he was tuned to the Spirit’s leading in the areas of his diet, medication and health. Led by the Spirit, he finally got out of his nine-year ordeal! My friend, rest is not inactivity or laziness, but Holy Spirit-directed activity. The more you pray in tongues, the more you’ll sense the Spirit’s leading. He will lead you out of your valley of depression, debt or disease, and bring you to ...