KingdomNOMICS devotional -Focus on Jesus-
“He must become greater, I must become less.” (John3:30)
God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to pay the debt for our sin and reconcile us to him. Because of our relationship with God through Jesus, it is a new day when we fully embrace the fact that this life is not all about us, but about Jesus Christ! Once we make this discovery, and realize that our story is part of a much bigger story, his story, our whole worldview and the view we have of ourselves radically changes. We begin to learn to live not for ourselves, but for the One who loves us and died for us. We begin to live for his purposes. As we mature, we find that his purposes for us actually become our purposes.
One of the measuring sticks we can use to evaluate whether or not Christ’s purposes have become our purposes is this question: “What is consuming my life?” Are you only concerned about matters regarding this temporary world, or do you have an eternal perspective? I like to think of my life as consisting of “three Ts”: Time, Talent, and Treasure. How I use the “three Ts” is a good indicator of what is important to me.
John the Baptist said, “He [Jesus] must become greater.” As we grow in Jesus, he becomes more and more important in our thinking and his agenda becomes the guiding force in our lives. As he becomes greater, the choices we make regarding our time, talent, and treasure will be dictated by his desires.
When we soak our hearts in the Word of God, we absorb those words as if we were a sponge being filled with living water. The Word of God begins to transform our thinking and we increasingly delight ourselves in the Lord rather than in the things of this world. It is through this process that Jesus becomes stronger in our lives and self becomes weaker.
Heart Deposit:
Are the things that are important to Jesus becoming increasingly important to you? Make a list of the ten most important things to you right now. In what ways is Jesus influencing your list?
KingdomNomics is
having our lives transformed
by Jesus Christ.
Related Verses:
“For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.” Mark 8:35
“For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:3
Related Resources:
Click here to read "Making Jesus Known"