Keeping The Laws of God-Benny Hinn
The moment the Spirit came into my life I no longer had to battle my adversaries.
They were still there, but the wrestling and the worry seemed to vanish.
What happened to me was the same thing that was spoken to Israel centuries ago through the prophet Ezekiel.
Living in a time of political upheaval, he was given a message from the Lord to the people of Israel:
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them” (Ezek. 36:26
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Today, millions of people are in a daily fight to keep the laws of God, and they are losing the war because they do not understand the Father’s battle plan.
His strategy could not be more succinct: “I will put My Spirit within you,” says the Lord.
And why is that His agenda?
He wants to “cause you”—from deep inside your heart—to follow His statutes. He wants to make it easy to keep His laws.
Do you find it tough to keep God’s commandments? Don’t feel all alone. It’s totally impossible to succeed by yourself, and God doesn’t expect you to.
You need help! But to whom should you turn?
God the Father is in heaven and so is God the Son.
You need a friend here and now, and the person of the Trinity that is dwelling on earth is the Holy Spirit.
He’s the One you desperately need to know.