
Showing posts from September, 2014

The Lord Is Able And Most Willing -Joseph Prince

Matthew 8:3 Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Immediately his leprosy was cleansed. When you see someone receiving a miraculous healing or financial breakthrough, do you ask, “What about me, Lord?” I believe that the leper who came to Jesus must have asked the same question. He must have heard or seen from a distance, since he was not permitted to be in public places by the law, how Jesus had healed the sick. So he had no doubt that Jesus could heal him, but he was not sure if Jesus would . He said to Jesus, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” (Matthew 8:2) He was confident of the power of God, but not the love of God for him. Like the leper, maybe you don’t have a problem believing that God can g...

Stay Focused Daddy! Go Get the Pizza!-Kingdomnomics

“Jesus said to them, ‘My food is to do the will of Him who sent me, and to finish His work.’”  ( John 4:34  NIV) My daughter requested that I go get pizza for dinner for the children. As I was leaving the house, I stopped to have a conversation with someone else. That is when I heard the words, “Stay focused, Daddy! Go get the pizza!” What an illustration this is for the person practicing KingdomNomics. We need to stay focused on the important things in life. Jesus was on a mission. His will was to do the will of him who sent him, and to finish the work he was sent to do. We should have the same desire and goal. That is, we want to finish the work God has gifted us to do before we leave this world. We are on a mission: a mission to help fulfill the Great Commission. Today, ask yourself: Have I captured the vision of the mission God has gifted me to do? Am I focused in some way in helping to fulfill the Great Commission?

Kept In All Your Ways By God’s Angels -Joseph Prince

Psalm 91:11–12 For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone. You are about to step onto the road when something pulls you back just in time to avoid being hit by a speeding car. You are shocked. When you come to your senses, you ask yourself, “Could it be that an angel just saved me from a fatal accident?” I believe that angels walk with us. The verse tells us that God has given His angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways. And in their hands they will bear us up, so that not even a stone will trip us up. But we may not know it when we encounter an angel. (Hebrews 13:2) This was probably the case with a couple in our church who were holidaying a...

You Have A Double-Portion Inheritance -Joseph Prince

Isaiah 61:6–7, NIV And you will be called priests of the Lord...You will feed on the wealth of nations, and in their riches you will boast. Instead of their shame My people will receive a double portion…they will inherit a double portion in their land... You are called “priests of the Lord” because Jesus has cleansed you with His blood and made you kings and priests to God. (Revelation 1:5–6) And as priests of the Lord, God says to you, “You will feed on the wealth of nations, and in their riches you will boast.” And you will “inherit a double portion in their land”. This promise came true for a church member who received his double portion while working for one of the top American companies in Singapore. Within a short time, he received two pay increments. And w...

Let The Lord Be Your Defense-Joseph Prince

Psalm 94:22 But the Lord has been my defense, and my God the rock of my refuge. Imagine being a poor widow, a stranger in the land and holding one of the lowliest jobs in society. That was Ruth’s situation, so it would have been easy for her to feel vulnerable and defenseless. But because she trusted the Lord (Ruth 1:16 ), He placed her under Boaz’s protection. Boaz, the owner of the field she worked in, commanded his young men saying, “Let her glean even among the sheaves, and do not reproach her.” (Ruth 2:15 ) What he was saying to his men was this: “She might be a gleaner, but because I care for her, treat her with respect and make sure she is not put to shame.” Boaz is a picture of our Lord Jesus. If you are feeling vulnerable and defenseless right now, ...

Lift Songs Of Praise To The Lord -Joseph Prince

Ephesians 5:17 Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. God wants us to walk as wise men and women, and not as fools. (Ephesians 5:15 ) Now, He will not tell us to walk in wisdom without showing us how. That is why His Word goes on to say, “Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” So what is the will of God? The next two verses tell us how to identify it: “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord”. (Ephesians 5:18 –19) As you allow yourself to be filled with the Spirit by lifting songs of praise to the Lord, singing or speaking (God kn...

Ascend— Joel & Victoria Osteen

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.” (Psalm 24:3–5, NKJV) TODAY’S WORD  from Joel and Victoria You were meant to rise high in heavenly places. You were meant to stand with God above the cares of this life. But notice that this verse tells us that in order to ascend, we have to make sure we have clean hands and a pure heart. How do we have clean hands and a pure heart? First of all, only Jesus can make us clean and new. Once we receive Him as our Lord and Savior, we have to choose every day to stand against the enemy and his attempts to bring us back down. It all happens in our thought life. We have to guard our thoughts by guarding what we allow to influence our thoughts. We can’t just watch any old thing on TV. We...


1 CORINTHIANS  1:30 But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God…   It is believed that there has never been a wealthier king than King Solomon. God gave him wisdom that not only made him wise in matters of justice, but also brought him gold and silver. (1 Kings  3:12 –13) According to a report by the Illinois Society of Architects in 1925, the cost of Solomon’s temple in terms of existing values would have been about US$87 billion! The priests wore garments costing more than US$10 million! These amounts only cover what Solomon spent on the temple and not his personal assets. We can go on talking about the riches of King Solomon, but the Bible tells us that there is one greater than Solomon. (Matthew  12:42 ) His name is Jesus, and He is the most prosperous Man who ever lived and who will ever live. If there was a need to feed the hungry, He simply multiplied whatever food was placed in His hands. On one occasion, He multiplied fiv...


HEBREWS  10:12 , 14, KJV  But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God...   For by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. God sees you with no flaw, spot or imperfection, so honor His Word and the finished work of His Son by saying, “Amen!” Don’t doubt your perfection in Christ. To see yourself as far from being perfect is not modesty, but a failure to understand the perfect sacrifice that Jesus has made for you. The Bible tells us, “For by one offering He hath  perfected forever them that  are sanctified ”. Did you get that? You have not only been sanctified, that is, made holy, but by the same offering of His body, you have been perfected. You are both holy and perfect in God’s eyes! Your sins have been purged perfectly. Today, Jesus is seated at His Father’s right hand not because He is the Son of God (although that is true), but because His work of purging your sins ...

When the Intensity Gets Turned Up-— Joel & Victoria Osteen

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “Save us, O God of our salvation, and gather and deliver us from among the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise.” (1 Chronicles  16:35 , ESV) TODAY’S WORD  from Joel and Victoria Whenever life gets difficult and it seems like the intensity has been turned up, that’s a sign you are closer to your victory. When those lies are bombarding your mind, when you’re tempted to get discouraged or feel like throwing in the towel, that’s not the time to back down. That’s the time to dig your heels in and put on a new attitude because you are closer to your victory. Maybe you’ve had a lot of things come against you. It seems like the more you pray the worse it gets. You’re doing the right thing, but the wrong thing is happening. The easy thing is to say, “Forget it. I don’t have to put up with this.” “This marriage is never going to work.” “I’ll never be able to raise this child.” Or, “I don’t like this job.” No, inst...

Be a Prisoner of Hope— Joel & Victoria Osteen

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you.” (Zechariah  9:12 , NIV) TODAY’S WORD  from Joel and Victoria When things get difficult, it’s easy to want to give up. It’s easy to get down and discouraged. But, that’s not God’s plan for us. God wants us to be so full of hope, so full of expectancy that we just can’t help believing for the best. He wants us to be prisoners of hope! When you’re a prisoner of something, it’s like you’re chained to it. In other words, you can’t get away from it. I know people that are prisoners of fear, prisoners of worry, prisoners of doubt. You’ve heard them. “Nothing good ever happens to me.” “It’s never going to change. It’s just been too long.” No, you’re chained to the wrong thing. You need to break those chains and become a prisoner of hope. That means that no matter how long it’s taking, no matter how impossible it looks, our attitude should b...


JOSHUA 1:8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.   In life, there is  good  success and  bad  success. Bad success is the kind of success which robs you of time with your family, friends and church, and destroys your health and relationships. With good success, on the other hand, you see prosperity in every area of your life. God wants you to enjoy good success and the key to this lies in what God told Joshua when he took over the reins following the death of his leader Moses—“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have  good success .” Spending time in God’s ...

Keep the Right Things in Your Life— Joel & Victoria Osteen

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he...” (Proverbs 23:7, NKJV) TODAY’S WORD  from Joel and Victoria God created us as visual beings. It’s so important that we create the right image in our minds because the way we see ourselves is what we move toward. Visualization is simply seeing yourself the way you want to be. It’s creating a picture in your mind of accomplishing your goals, overcoming your obstacles, and fulfilling your God-given destiny. Our imagination is extremely powerful. The way we see ourselves in these pictures that we create, over time, will not only drop down into our spirit, but if we continue to dwell on them, they get into our subconscious mind. Once something is in the subconscious, it’s just like gravity; it pulls us toward it. All these internal forces are released, and more often than not, we become just like we’ve imagined. If you’ll create a picture in your imagination of something you want, a dream coming to pass, a bus...

German Scientists prove there's life after death

German Scientists prove there's life after death Berlin| A team of psychologists and medical doctors associated with the Technische Universität of Berlin, have announced that they had proven by clinical experimentation, the existence of some form of life after death. This astonishing announcement is based on the conclusions of a study using a new type of medically supervised near-death experiences, that allow patients to be clinically dead for almost 20 minutes before being brought back to life. This controversial process that was repeated on 944 volunteers over that last four years, necessitates a complex mixture of drugs including epinephrine and dimethyltryptamine, destined to allow the body to survive the state of clinical death and the reanimation process without damage. The body of the subject was then put into a temporary comatic state induced by a mixture of other drugs which had to be filtered by ozone from his blood during the reanimation process 18 minutes later. ...


GALATIANS 5:4 You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.   What is the grace of God? Simply put, the grace of God is God blessing, healing and delivering you because of Jesus. The grace of God is His unearned, unmerited and undeserved favor toward you simply because of Jesus’ finished work at the cross. Because God’s grace is based on Jesus’ work and not yours, the only way you fall from this grace is by believing that you can earn, merit and deserve it through your obedience and good works. For example, you fall from grace when you say, “God has to answer my prayer because I have prayed long enough.” You also fall from grace when you think that because you are serving in church or you have kicked a bad habit, God is pleased with you and He has to bless you. When you think that it is by your efforts and obedience that you receive God’s blessings, you become like the Pharisees. They believed that their law-ke...

Giant Slayer-— Joel & Victoria Osteen

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.” (Proverbs  18:16 , NASB) TODAY’S WORD  from Joel and Victoria When people hear the story of David and Goliath, sometimes they think, “That was all God.” And yes, in a sense, it was all God; but God didn’t sling the stone. David had a role to play, too. God gave David the skill that he had to develop in order to be prepared for that defining moment. Like David, God has put skills inside of you so that you can slay the giants in your life. You have the skills that can open new doors, skills that can lead to an abundant life, but the key is that the skills have to be developed. Every day that you spend growing, learning and improving, you’re getting prepared for that new level. Today, while you’re waiting for that new opportunity, start sharpening your skills. Study your boss. Study your manager. Learn that position. Be able to step into their shoes. When God sees that you are ...

Do Not Despise Humble Beginnings-Joseph Prince

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin… Zechariah 4:10, NLT It’s interesting to see how God never despises the little things. When the boy brought his five loaves and two fish, the disciple Andrew scoffed, condescendingly patted the boy on his head and said to Jesus, “What are they among so many?” In direct contrast, God did not despise the boy’s small lunch. So don’t despise the little things that you have right now. See them as your very own “five loaves and two fish” even when people around you mock and belittle you. Learn to disregard such people and lay your little before Jesus. While you and I have no power to multiply, Jesus certainly does! Beloved, whatever you are building right now in your career, ministry or business, don’t despise the day of small, humble and seemingly insignificant beginnings. Involve Jesus and allow His provision of favor, wisdom and power to multiply and grow the little things in your hands.

Follow the Smart Money-Kindomnomics

“…But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven….” (Matthew 6:20 NKJV) You can have an eternal 401 (k). Yes, it lasts forever! Yes, it is guaranteed. The returns are fantastic!  In fact, they are beyond our human ability to measure. In this world crowds of people follow “stock tips.” They follow what they perceive to be “smart money” and invest in companies for which they have little or no information. Most of the time this type of investing results in losses. Jesus gives us an “eternal investment tip.” He says the smart money of this world will be sure to invest in treasures in heaven. He also says we should use the unrighteous mammon (money) of this world to win friends for eternity!  Yes, you can take it with you by investing it in the world to come. You can only do this by sending it ahead by giving or investing in the kingdom while you are in this world. Just think; he is giving us the opportunity to trade the paper currencies of this world, which will b...


EPHESIANS 1:7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace   People have said to me, “Pastor Prince, I was taught that only my past sins—from the day I was born until the day I became a Christian—have been forgiven, and that my future sins are not forgiven until I confess them and seek forgiveness.” My friend, when Jesus died on the cross, how many of your sins were future? Unless you are more than 2,000 years old, all your sins were future then! Jesus took them all upon Himself, nailed them to the cross and declared, “It is finished!” So if you are not forgiven of  all , then you are not forgiven at all. “You mean Jesus also died for the sin that I have just committed?” Yes! “And also for the sins which I will commit?” Yes! That is why He said, “It is finished!” But many of us are inconsistent in our believing. One part of us says, “God has forgiven me of all my sins.” But another part says, “Yes...

Water the Right Seeds-— Joel & Victoria Osteen

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.” (Mark 4:8, NIV) TODAY’S WORD  from Joel and Victoria When somebody calls you something, either good or bad, that seed is planted in the soil of your mind. However, you get to determine whether or not that seed takes root and grows. When you dwell on what was said, you are watering the seed. You’re giving it a right to become a reality. That’s why it’s so important to have a disciplined thought life. It’s great when people tell you, “You’re blessed. You’re talented. You’re going to do great things.” Water those seeds. Meditate on those thoughts throughout the day. That’s what you want to become a reality. Too often, we water the wrong seeds. We dwell on what the negative people say. The naysayers can’t make a seed take root in your life. All they can do is sow the seed. You have complete control over what seeds are ...


ACTS  2:46 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart,   Back then in the early church, Christians would meet each other every day, either corporately in the temple or from house to house in smaller groups. And when they met in their homes, the Bible tells us that they would  break bread . That’s the Holy Communion, and they took it every day! Now, I am not saying that you must take the Holy Communion every day. But if you feel led to and you want to, go ahead! The thing about taking the Holy Communion daily is this: If you are sick, you can be made well on a gradual basis. This means that you get healthier and stronger from day to day—first thirtyfold, then sixtyfold, then a hundredfold! You see, while you can receive healing through the prayer of faith (Mark  11:24 ), it sometimes puts pressure on you because it requires you to believe that you receive...

Eat the Good of the Land-from Joel and Victoria Osteen

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land.” (Isaiah  1:19 , NIV) TODAY’S WORD   God wants you to have the best in life. He wants to give you the good of the land. God tells us in His Word how to take hold of His promises in our lives. Notice this verse doesn’t say that just obedience will cause you to eat the good of the land; it says we have to be willing and obedient. In other words, God isn’t just concerned with our actions. He’s looking at the motives of our hearts. He doesn’t want us to be robots. He wants us to know Him and obey Him because we love Him. He wants us to understand His goodness and kindness which draws our hearts toward Him. He wants us to receive His love that causes us to respond to Him with love and obedience in return. Don’t just serve God out of obligation today. Don’t just read the Word because you think you have to. Instead, open your heart and see His goodness. Receive His love and ...