
Showing posts from 2006

Merry Christmas

As we celebrate Christmas, I want us to remember one of my favourite Psalms in the Bible. I wish you a merry Christmas as you reflect, share and enjoy this wonderful message of Psalm 66. Praise God with shouts of Joy all people Sing to the Glory of his name Say to God, how wonderful are the things you do Your power is so great that your enemies bow down in fear before you Everyone on earth worships you They sing praises to your name Come and see what God has done His wonderful acts for mankind He changed the sea into dry land Our ancestors crossed the river on foot There we rejoiced because of what He did He rules forever by His might And keeps His eyes on the nations Let no rebels rise against him Praise our God all nations Let your praise be heard He has kept us alive And has not allowed us to fall You have put us to the test as silver is purified by fire, So you have tested us You let us fall into a trap and placed heavy burdens on our backs You let our enemies trample over us we...


This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing.

He will take care of us

For me December 2006 is like standing at the shores of the red sea with enemies close and no chance of escape. Behind is danger and ahead is uncertainty. But like Moses and the Israelites of old, we can take consolation in Exodus 14 : 13-14, "Don't be afraid, stand your ground and you will see what the Lord will do to save you today, you will never see these Egyptians again, the Lord will fight for you and there is no need for you to do anything." (Good News Bible) Yes, this is the word of God. Our enemies who troubled us in 2006 will be no more, those who wanted us dead physically and spiritually, those who wanted to maim us, injure us and destroy us, those who undermined us in our workplaces and sought our downfall, the hand of the almighty God is against them as He did to the Egyptians of old. Well, don't you like this? I do, God bless you for sharing his word. Amen.

Jehovah Jireh, our provider

Jehovah Jireh is our provider, He takes care of our needs and is good to us. The bible says though the mountains beshaken and the hills be removed his love for us will never fail, that is what drives me in life, I have learn to lean on his word and it is all that I have and hope for.

Patience Moves mountains

It is true that patience moves mountains, but how to have the kind of patience that could move mountains is the big challenge facing contemporary christians. It takes the grace of God not to respond to the kind of behaviour people throw at us as we go about our day to day activiites. My prayer is that may the almighty God grant us the grace, to face the problems of our days and be patient gentle and be able to suffer long for his sake. Amen

Lets have time for God's work

One reason why the Apostle Paul did not marry was that he wanted to have more time for God's ministry. In 1 Corinthinas 7 :33, Paul says in the Good News Version of the bible "But a married man concerns himself with worldly matters, because he wants to please his wife and so he is pulled in two directions (v34). An unmarried woman or virgin concerns herself with the Lord's work, because she wants to be dedicated both in body and spirit ; but a married woman concerns herself with worldy matters , because she wants to please her husband. This ehortation from the Apostle Paul is very much revealing. Even as we have taken on spouses, it is very important that we do not concentrate all our attention and time on our families, we should have sometime alone with God and also enough time for the Kingdom business. From Thomas Orhin

Never Trust in Man

Never trust in man It will spell your gloom and doom, No matter how righteous they appear No matter how trustworthy they are No matter how close they are to you They will disappoint you when you need them most And your soul will be tormented for good It is better to put your trust in the Lord Almighty He will neither leave you nor forsake you He will go with you every mile of the way He will share your anxiety and stress He will relieve the pain and the panics He will be with you at the labour ward He will bring comfort and love again Even when the baby refuse to turn The doctor may be weary, tired and asleep The midwife may err and cause haemorhage But our Good Shepherd will keep the night and the time Till the baby arrives He replenishes what you have lost He gives his own blood, So that pale mothers can live and nurse their babies He did it in the past, He is still doing it. And he will do it for you If only you surrender this life To Him alone Start all over again Never too late, I...

On a Difficult Day

On a very difficult day When life's stress and strain abound When all eyes are on you To see how you will weather this particular storm To see if you will survive this one too Thinking you are finished, Thinking you are done and gone T'is here that the great hands T'is here that that the mighty hands Lifts you up for all to see That you are not alone. That you are surrounded with chariots of fire Oh ! may He open our eyes, May he give us insight and foresight May he give us vison and focus To discern the times And live for Him, So that on such a difficult day His light will shine on our path We will surely arrive And not miss the road Amidst the difficulties.

He Loves me, Jesus Christ

There is one thing that I will never forget as a christian. No matter the circumstances that I am going through. The fact that Jesus cares for me, the fact that he has not forgotten about me, the fact that he says I should fear not, 360 times in the Bible. God also says that "When You pass through the waters I will be with you." (Isaiah 43:2-3) Are the waters deep around your neck? Don't worry you will not drown, I haven't and you won't either because he cares and loves us, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Saviour lives. Don't be scared of how close the enemy is to you, don't worry, the enemy will never catch up with you, because the unchanging God and His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are with you on this Journey of life, you have a great company, Are you not Lucky? that Jesus is your Lord ? Amen

Find out yourself

An interesting verse under Psalm 34 states "Find out yourself how good the Lord is, happy are those who trust in him," (Verse 6: Good News Version). This is very true. I will tell you about the love of Jesus but you will have to find out yourself how good the Lord is by giving your life to him. You will testify like the Psalmist, "The Lord watches over the righteous and listens to their cries (verse15). God bless you.

The mystery of Psalm 34

Reading through this wonderful Psalm makes me feel the power of God working in my life. The first verse, "Iwill bless the lord at all times," is a challenge we must all try to take. In spite of the circumstances we find ourselves in, we must try to bless the Lord at all times. Verse 4 says "I prayed to the Lord and he answered me." This means that as we praise the Lord, he is eveready to answer our prayers. Lets keep praising and thanking him as he answers our prayers in Jesus name, Amen. By Thomas Kojo Orhin Co-Director of Jesus Saves Ministry

Life without Chrsit is crisis

Life without Christ is full of crisis Beloved give your life to Christ Experience life to the fullest Enjoy happiness beyond measure Express love, hope and trust Empathise with those who are perishing Explore the Kingdom of Jesus Before it is too late Before the gate is closed

Abide Under His Anointing

To fight life's dangerous battles ? Abide in Him! To conquer the fiery darts of the enemy? Abide in Him! To smile in the midst of storms ? Abide in Him! To battle the surging waves Abide in Him! To let your anchor grip Abide in Him! To love your enemies and friends Abide in Him! To keep your christian vows Abide in Him! To keep your head above the waters ? Abide in Him! To hold on to life in times of sickness ? Abide in Him! To survive in the furnace ? Abide in Him! To survive official scandals ? Abide in Him! Abide under His annointing Always Abide in Him. Written by Isabella Gyau Orhin Can be reproduced with permission

He touched my life

It was a grim life, Until I met Jesus I thought I was happy Until I met him, I thought I was glad, Until our paths crossed, I thouhgt I had more Until I realised I was empty I thought I had company Until I realised I was alone He touched my life And now I have all. What about you? Until When? Wirtten by Isabella Gyau Orhin, Can be reproduced without Permission

Jesus is in Love with You

Dear friend, This is a blog dedicated to the Ministry of Jesus Christ which is reflected in the Great Commission in Mattew 28:19 that we should Go to all people everywhere and make them His Disciples: baptise them in the name of the father, the Son and the holy Spirit and teach them to obey everything he has commanded us. God bless you for sharing our blog and please pass on this blog address and information to others, both christians and non-christians to visit and share with us too. God bless you and your family. Our message to you is that Jesus loves you.We invite you to give your life to him, and expereince the essence of living. Without him, there is no life. Lots of love, Isabella Gyau Orhin and Thomas Kojo Orhin Directors of Jesus Saves Ministry