They have mouths but they do not speak
The idols of the nations are silver and gold The work of men’s hands They have mouths but they do not speak Eyes they have but they do not see, They have ears, but they do not hear; nor is there any breath in their mouth Those who make them are like them So is everyone who trusts in them Bless the Lord Oh House of Israel Bless the Lord Oh house of Aaron Bless the Lord Oh house of Levi You who fear the Lord Bless the Lord Psalm 135; 15-20 To Him who laid the earth above the waters Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, For His mercies endures forever, Oh give thanks to the God of gods, For His mercies endures forever Oh give thanks to the Lord of lords for His mercies endures for ever, To Him who alone does great wonders For his mercies endures forever, To Him who by wisdom made the heavens For His mercies endures forever To Him who laid the earth above the waters For His mercies endures forever Psalm 136:1-6 To Him who made great lights To Him who made great lights For His mercie...