Call Forth What You Want To See-Joseph Prince
Death and life are in the power of the tongue… |
Proverbs 18:21 |
When God saw darkness covering the waters, He said, “Let there be
light,” and light existed. When Jesus saw a man’s withered hand, He
said, “Stretch out your hand.” The man stretched it out and found it
made whole.
Beloved, speak the good that you want to see, and not the bad that you may see in your circumstances. Instead of seeing yourself jobless, see yourself with a great job and call it forth. Say, “Because I’m God’s beloved, He will provide me with a fantastic job.” Then, start sending out those résumés!
Perhaps you want to get married. Instead of seeing yourself single for the rest of your life, see yourself having a wonderful marriage and call it forth. Say, “Because God favors me, I can’t wait to meet my life partner!” Then, trust the Lord to lead and position you to meet the right person!
Speak good over yourself because you know that God is for you, and step into the good plans that He has for you!
Beloved, speak the good that you want to see, and not the bad that you may see in your circumstances. Instead of seeing yourself jobless, see yourself with a great job and call it forth. Say, “Because I’m God’s beloved, He will provide me with a fantastic job.” Then, start sending out those résumés!
Perhaps you want to get married. Instead of seeing yourself single for the rest of your life, see yourself having a wonderful marriage and call it forth. Say, “Because God favors me, I can’t wait to meet my life partner!” Then, trust the Lord to lead and position you to meet the right person!
Speak good over yourself because you know that God is for you, and step into the good plans that He has for you!