Get Hold Of Faith Pictures-Joseph Prince

Then He brought him [Abram] outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.”
Genesis 15:5

Abram saw himself childless since his wife, Sarah, was barren. But the Lord saw just the opposite. He saw Abram with not just one, but countless descendants! That’s why He changed Abram’s name to “Abraham,” which means “father of many nations.”

The new name helped Abraham to see himself with many children. The Lord also gave him another faith picture—the numerous stars in the sky. “So shall your descendents be,” the Lord said. So whenever Abraham heard his name called or looked at the night sky, he would remember the Lord’s promise and “see” all his children. Eventually, he had Isaac through Sarah!
Beloved, get hold of faith pictures from God’s Word. See what the Lord says about you and your particular situation. Don’t let these faith pictures depart from your eyes. Keep them in your heart. And one day, you’ll be experiencing what you have beheld in faith!


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