When All Else Fails, The Blood Avails-Jospeh Prince

And they overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb…
Revelation 12:11

A precious lady from England wrote in to share how her daughter-in-law had conceived supernaturally after 10 years of trying. Her daughter-in-law had undergone at least seven in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments, all without success.
But all this began to change when she read one of the devotionals in which I wrote, “what nine plagues could not do, the blood did.” I was talking about how none of the nine plagues that Moses brought upon the Egyptians caused Pharaoh to release the Israelite slaves, until they put the lamb’s blood—a picture of Jesus’ blood—on their doorposts. Then and only then were the Israelites finally released by Pharaoh—all because of the blood.
With a fresh revelation of Jesus’ shed blood, this lady began to pray for her son and daughter-in-law, speaking the blood over their situation. A few weeks later, her son called to say that his wife was pregnant! This lady wrote, “What six years of IVF could not do, the blood did. We were so thrilled to hear the news of the pregnancy after all these years.”
Beloved, Jesus’ blood shed for you is what overcomes the enemy and qualifies you for every one of God’s blessings today. No matter what has been said about your situation, put your faith in Jesus’ blood and see it availing for you!


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