God wants to overwhelm you with His unmerited favour-Joseph Prince

Dear friends,

I believe that God wants to overwhelm you with His unmerited favor and bless you in every area of life!
One of the keys to receiving God's blessings is a very simple one: Live life being a blessing to the people around us.
There's a powerful story in 2 Kings 4:1-7 about a widow who could not pay her debts. She asked the prophet Elisha what to do, and when he asked her what she had ...in her house, all she had was a single jar of oil. Elisha told her to pour out the oil into as many containers as she could find. As she did so, God supernaturally replenished the oil in the jar until she ran out of containers to pour into! Notice that as long as she kept pouring out, GOD KEPT PROVIDING.
Beloved, God wants to work the same miracle in your life. The key to receiving God's blessing is this: Pour out! A life lived only for yourself can be a miserable one. If you keep holding on to what is in your hand and not letting go of it, it will eventually grow stale & lifeless. However, when you take whatever you have and pour it out at the instruction of God, His supernatural supply will continue to flow into your life.
My friend, you are are truly blessed by God to be a blessing!


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