Place your life in His Hands through the seasons-Marilyn Hickey Ministries

Greetings Friend,
“To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven”

(Ecclesiastes 3:1).
This is the whole panorama of life—God lets us in on the whole ball game. The good, the bad and the ugly—we get to experience it through the different seasons in our lives.
When you experience these seasons, don’t think you’re abnormal. God inspired Solomon to write this down so you wouldn’t feel strange when you find yourself going through these varied times in life. God wants you to experience what He will do for you when you choose to live life under the Son, bringing Jesus into every season.
God wants to help by transforming your attitudes and turning around your negative circumstances. “Hour by hour I place my days in your hand, safe from the hands out to get me” (Psalms 31:15).
We encourage you to place every season and it’s circumstances in God’s hands and rest in His glory and favor for YOU!


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