Be Worry Free And Enjoy Divine Health
Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? |
Matthew 6:27 |
I never knew how much love and attention I
could give to a little baby until I had Jessica. When my daughter was
born, I loved her so much that I became overly concerned about her.
Every time she fell sick, I would worry. The more concerned I was
about her health, the more she fell sick. When she recovered from a
viral attack, a few weeks later, she would have another viral attack. If
it was not a viral attack, it would be some other physical ailment. And
the more her health was attacked, the more worried I got.
Then, God began to speak to me. He said, “Your very worry over your daughter is stopping the supply of My health and healing to her. Cast your daughter into My hands and be carefree, then health and healing will flow!” I did what God told me to do and Jessica began to fall sick less often and became increasingly more robust in her health.
I experienced the same thing with regards to my own health. There was a period in my life when I went to the doctors often. The devil had given me some lying symptoms in my stomach and the more concerned I was over the symptoms, the worse they seemed to get. This went on until tests revealed that there was nothing wrong with my stomach or bowels. It was then that I realized that I had been playing the devil’s game!
Today, you can turn the tables on the enemy. Whenever you feel pain, say, “Jesus, You bore all my pain and sickness on Your own body. I’ve been healed by the stripes You bore for me. Hallelujah!” Beloved, the more you meditate on and speak the truth about how healing and health are already yours because of Jesus’ finished work, the more you’ll allow God’s divine healing, health and wholeness to flow in your body!
Then, God began to speak to me. He said, “Your very worry over your daughter is stopping the supply of My health and healing to her. Cast your daughter into My hands and be carefree, then health and healing will flow!” I did what God told me to do and Jessica began to fall sick less often and became increasingly more robust in her health.
I experienced the same thing with regards to my own health. There was a period in my life when I went to the doctors often. The devil had given me some lying symptoms in my stomach and the more concerned I was over the symptoms, the worse they seemed to get. This went on until tests revealed that there was nothing wrong with my stomach or bowels. It was then that I realized that I had been playing the devil’s game!
Today, you can turn the tables on the enemy. Whenever you feel pain, say, “Jesus, You bore all my pain and sickness on Your own body. I’ve been healed by the stripes You bore for me. Hallelujah!” Beloved, the more you meditate on and speak the truth about how healing and health are already yours because of Jesus’ finished work, the more you’ll allow God’s divine healing, health and wholeness to flow in your body!
Joseph Prince
Joseph Prince