A Love Everlasting And Unconditional

I have loved you with an everlasting love…
Jeremiah 31:3

At the best of times, between even the best of people, the love we have for one another is often conditional. We still expect something in return. We expect our love to be reciprocated. But the love that God has for us is not like that at all. His love for us is everlasting and totally unconditional.
“What if I’ve fallen into sin and stayed away from church? Does God still love me then?”
Yes, my friend, God still loves you and if you would open up your heart to His goodness, His goodness will lead you to repentance (Romans 2:4). Even when you have turned your back toward God, His love and light still shine on you. You only have to turn back to Him and receive His love. You will find His grace right there to help you overcome whatever sin you are struggling with.
Beloved, He waits patiently for you to turn back to Him, just like the father in the story of the prodigal son. He is not just a God of second chances, He is a God of many chances. His love for you is unconditional, unshakable and unchanging. He loves you and is for you—then, now and forevermore!

Joseph Prince


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