From Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke

The Roman captain knew the routine of crucifixion. (Mark 15:37—39). First the crucified criminals were spitting and cursing, then as their strength abated death would slowly set in. Now, on horseback, the captain stood eye to eye with the dying Jesus! Then we read “Jesus cried with a loud voice and breathed his last.” That got the captains attention, because Christ’s last words from the cross were... “Father into your hands I command my spirit!” Jesus had cried “with a loud voice”, full of energy and had commanded his spirit to leave his body. It happened that very same moment. Jesus did not die of a broken heart. HE DIED AT HIS OWN COMMAND! Long before this, the Lord had said in John 10: 17+18 “I have power to lay down my life…”…and that was observed by that heathen soldier. The captain’s revelation and conclusion? Jesus is more than a man! Jesus is the Son of God! Jesus is my Savior! Trust in Jesus brings peace with God! Are you blessed? REINHARD BONNKE


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