BE AN AGENT OF PEACE -Apostle Dr. Opoku Onyina
By Apostle Dr. Opoku Onyinah, Chairman, The Church of Pentecost International and president of the Ghana pentecostal and Charismatic Councils.
Preached at National Thanksgiving Day, at the Independence Square on 18 March
2012 in Accra, Ghana, West Africa
Main Text: 1 Samuel 25:23-31; Others: Luke
6:27-38; Roman 12:9-21
Beloved in Christ,
I want us to thank the Lord God Almighty for
giving us the opportunity as a nation to acknowledge his sovereignty and to
express our thanks to him.
I want to thank his Excellency, Professor
Atta Mills, the President of Ghana, and the planning committee of this
thanksgiving service for giving me the opportunity to share the word of God
with you. I am grateful. It is my prayer that the Lord will use this occasion
to bless all of us. Amen
As a nation we have been praying for a week
on the theme, "Peace, Security and Stability within Your Borders, Oh
Ghana" (Ps 122:6-8). Broadly I will be speaking on this theme.
Specifically I am speaking on the sub-theme, Be an Agent of Peace, taken
from the passage which was read from 1 Samuel 25:23-31.
David became popular when he killed Goliath.
His popularity disturbed King Saul to the point where he wanted to kill him. In
fact Saul moved the whole army of Israel to pursue David in the attempt to kill
him. Meanwhile David had done nothing wrong. His main charge was that, as the
women of Israel sang in jubilation after Israel’s victory over the Philistines,
which was championed by David's killing of Goliath, they placed David ahead of
Saul. The king felt threatened about this. His solution was to kill David.
David was taking comfort from Samuel, the
prophet who had ordained him secretly as king. Unfortunately Samuel died. David
then had to leave to a border town, called Maon. This town shared a boundary
with Philistia. He should have gone to Philistia but he thought the people
would recognise him and kill him, since he had killed Goliath. He was in a
dilemma; he thought the border town may help. When there is no peace, security
and stability in a nation, people run away for their dear lives. Some leave for
other countries, while others play hide and seek game like what David did. We
pray that all Ghanaians will protect the peace, security and stability that we
are enjoying as a nation, ensuring that never will Ghana be sent into a state
of confusion and instability.
It was at this border
town that David met the shepherds of a man called Nabal. Nabal was wealthy.
Many wealthy people like Nabal in his time would hire soldiers to protect their
sheep against raiders who stole people’s flock. David and his men gave
protection to the sheep and goats of Nabal, without taking any money from him.
Therefore, during a festival, David sent ten
of his men to see Nabal for some food stuffs for use by his people. But Nabal
refused and rather insulted David by equating him with servants who had broken
away from their masters. When David was informed about this he became very
He organised 400 of his men (soldiers) to go
and kill all the males in the household of Nabal. In fact Nabal was not his
real concern. David was already a worried person. He only mistakenly decided to
vent his worry on Nabal and his household. This is what often happens when
people are disturbed. Often they pour their grievances on wrong people.
Throughout the world there have been instances where people have poured their
frustrations on the wrong people, leading to the killing of innocent children,
women and men. There are many examples, but a typical one is the number of
people who died at the September 11 2001 disaster at the World Trade Centre, in
New York, USA. May the Lord forbid that such things will happen within the
borders of Ghana.
It was during this time of David's annoyance
that one of Nabal’s servants went to report the incident to Abigail, his wife.
Abigail decided to be an agent of peace by pleading with David not to go ahead
with what he had decided to do.
It is my prayer that every Ghanaian will be
an agent of peace now, during and after the elections. To be able to do this we
need to learn from Abigail.
Abigail made an appeal to David. I want us to
examine her appeal. There are three recognitions that she made.
2.1 Abigail appealed to David on the Basis of
David’s faithfulness to God (1 Sam 25:26, 28c)
26 “Now, my lord, as surely as the LORD lives and you
yourself live, since the LORD
has kept
you from murdering and taking vengeance into your own hands, let all your
enemies be as cursed as Nabal is. 27 And here is a present I have brought to you
and your young men. 28
forgive me if I have offended in any way. The LORD will surely reward you with a lasting
dynasty, for you are fighting the LORD’s battles. And you have not done wrong
throughout your entire life (NLT).
What is Abigail saying here? She is saying
that, "My lord David, you have been faithful to God. You have not killed
King Saul, the one who is seeking your life. You have not committed any crime
in life. You are a peaceful man. Many people know this. So please keep it up.
You do not need to kill Nabal. 3
Abigail was singing
the song that the Apostle Paul would come and sing to us in the New Testament.
"Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for
it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord" (Rom
12:19, ESV).
We need to appeal to people’s faithfulness to
God, to the nation and to friends in times of trouble. There are many people
including politicians, judiciary, professionals, chiefs, academics, social
commentators, medical doctors, soldiers and pastors who have really made
various sacrifices for the nation. During critical times, remind such people of
the good things they have done for the nation. Sometimes people forget about
their past sacrifices. In times of trouble, remind them. Abigail reminded David
of this.
2.2 Abigail appealed to David on the Basis of
God’s faithfulness to him (1 Sam 25: 28-29)
28 Please forgive me if I have offended in any
way. The LORD
surely reward you with a lasting dynasty, for you are fighting the LORD’s battles. And you
have not done wrong throughout your entire life.29 “Even when you are chased by those who seek
your life, you are safe in the care of the LORD your God, secure in his treasure pouch! But
the lives of your enemies will disappear like stones shot from a sling! (NLT)
What is Abigail saying here? She says God has
promised you David, we are aware of it. Although your life is being sought
after by a very important person, the person will not be successful, because
the one who has promised you is faithful. He will give you an everlasting
dynasty. You are going to be king, so don't worry about what is going on now.
Perhaps David thought by the death of Samuel people might have forgotten the
fact that the Prophet Samuel anointed him king. It was a good reminder. In
other words, Abigail was reminding David that God had promised him a throne.
All of them remember the promise. The God who had promised was faithful. God
would always fulfill his promises to His people.
This was a good reminder to David. Remind
people about the faithfulness of God. God has been faithful to many people.
Some have been sick, some have had accidents, some have been to prisons, yet
God has delivered all these people. Some have been at the throes of death, yet
God has brought them back to life. The God who has promised will do it. Remind
yourself of what God has done for you. Such reminders are good.
2.3 Abigail appealed to David on the basis of
the power of sin (1 Sam 25:30-31)
30 When the LORD has done all he promised and has made you
leader of Israel, 31
let this be a blemish on your record. Then you won’t have to carry on your
conscience the staggering burden of needless bloodshed 4
and vengeance. And
when the LORD
has done
these great things for you, please remember me!” (NLT)
What is Abigail saying here? God will
certainly fulfil all that he has promised you. If you kill, your conscience
will haunt you because sin is very powerful. You will gain the throne, but
inwardly unknown to any other person, your conscience will condemn and tell you
that you gained the throne through foul means. You don’t need to do that.
We need to remind people to be aware of the
power of sin and the soul. Once you use foul means to achieve your aim, you are
going to pay for it outwardly or inwardly throughout your life. Nobody may know
of it but you will be tormented by the power of the soul and your own
conscience. Sometimes this power of the soul is portrayed in movies; one may
see a ghost of a dead person chasing the one who killed him/her. I wonder how
many people learn from these. It is always better not to use evil means to
achieve your ends.
Here Abigail advice people not to kill or do
any evil thing to achieve their goals. One evil thing you do or one bad word
you pronounce will follow you throughout your entire life.
David listened to Abigail's appeal and
stopped what he had intended to do. In 1 Samuel 25:32, "David replied to
Abigail, “Praise the LORD, the God of Israel,
who has sent you to meet me today (1 Sam 25:32, NLT). "Then in 1 Samuel
25:35 “Then David accepted her gifts and told her, “Return home in peace. We
will not kill your husband” (NLT). Abigail had been a very good agent of peace.
We need to listen to other people's counsel in times of difficulties. This was
a strength of David.
There are three personalities in the story we
have shared: Nabal who spoke and insulted David; David who had wanted vengeance
by killing Nabal, and all males in his household; And Abigail whose peaceful
and wise approach stopped David from killing innocent people.
What lessons can we draw from them?
3.1 Nabal
Nabal was successful. Don’t forget that. He
was wealthy. He was popular. He made a statement that incited trouble for
himself and his household. Part of what he said was true; indeed some servants
had broken away from their masters. But that was not the situation of David.
Part of what he said was a blunt lie. He did not know what he was saying. He
made the statement at the wrong time and to the wrong person. We must not be
quick to pass judgement. Our Lord Jesus Christ admonishes us in Luke 6:38 that
we need to be careful, because "...For with the measure you use it will be
measured back to you" (ESV). 5
We must not behave
like Nabal. Words are powerful. One word you speak may incite trouble for your
family, church, institution, party, country and your race. Be a kind person. On
the other hand, there may be some Nabals who may speak and incite trouble, but
you need to be like the woman Abigail. Don’t just insult those people, but
change the situation and put what they said in the right perspective.
This is what one husband did when his wife
insulted him in the presence of his friends. "Look at his big head (hwe ne
ti kesee bia odi gyina ho)". The husband responded. "You know my
wife, she really admires my brain. Did you hear what she said? She always says
I have a big brain that can solve every problem and that is how she often puts
it. Wonderful woman! I love you". Be an agent of peace!
Our Lord Jesus Christ says in Luke 6:31
"And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them" (ESV).
3.2 David
David wanted to kill Nabal who had insulted
him, and others who had done nothing wrong. What can we learn from him?
There are three great lessons we can draw
from him.
3.2.1 No lesson is ever learnt permanently
apart from the grace of God.
David had overcome the desire to kill Saul,
who had attempted to kill him. He had the opportunity to kill Saul but did not.
Yet David later wanted to kill Nabal, who had only refused to grant his request
for food. This means that no spiritual lesson is ever leant permanently
apart from the grace of God.
3.2.2 Without the grace of God we are
doomed to repeat past mistakes.
Don’t think that we are mature now as a
nation, so we cannot repeat past mistakes. Many things have taken place in our
nation that must remind us to be more responsible in what we do, accountable in
our responsibilities and vigilant in our activities. We need to be careful else
we can repeat past mistakes. One "white man" I was walking with one
day committed a mistake twice and told me that his father cautioned him when he
repeated the same mistake. "Only a fool makes one mistake twice". We
will not like to fall into the trap of this man. Ghanaians are gentle, respectful
and wise. Let us assume our true nature.
3.2.3 Without the grace of God we are
doomed to reproduce the failures of others in our lives. The sin of Saul
was being copied in the life of David. Saul moved the whole army of Israel in
the attempt to kill David for no reason. David also moved his army of 400 men
in the attempt to do so to Nabal and the males in his household. We are
surrounded by other countries that have engaged in civil and ethnic wars.
Without the grace of God, we can copy them. We need the grace of God to be
poured upon Ghanaians not to reproduce the sins and mistakes of others. 6
3.3 Abigail
Abigail took the bold step to speak to David
when she heard what her husband had done. We must speak to our friends, spouses
and even those we don't know when there are possible dangers ahead. We must be
agents of peace, security and stability within our borders, no matter how hard
the situation is. God will intervene; he will grant it.
The situation seemed to have been decided
already. David was at the verge of destroying all males in the household of
Nabal. But when Abigail made the appeal David listened to her. It is never late
to make a peace move. As a nation it is not too late for us to wholly depend
upon God's grace and love. We need to forgive one another and press on. God can
Are you an agent of peace? Or are you part of
the problems that we encounter in the nation? Nabal caused trouble which could
have affected his entire family. I pray that the spirit of Nabal, that is, insults
will be completely out of every Ghanaian. We are too gentle to follow Nabal’s
bad attitude.
David had been a peaceful person. He had
resisted killing Saul to gain power, yet he nearly killed Nabal and some
innocent persons who were not part of Nabal's irresponsible behaviour. No
lesson is ever leant permanently apart from the grace of God. Without the grace
of God we are doomed to repeat past mistakes. Without the grace of God we are
doomed to reproduce the failures of others in our lives. Since we work for God
and the people, we must listen to people when they speak to us in times of
trouble and anger.
Like Abigail, we must always be peace makers.
You are an agent of peace, security and
stability. If somebody wants to do something that will destabilise the peace
that we have in our country, tell the person to stop it, and Be an Agent of
Peace since he/she is an agent of peace.
Thank you and God bless you.
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