The Waterfall of Forgiveness

The Waterfall of Forgiveness Gift Bundle
ear Friend,

What I have to share with you today can...

• Bring amazing peace to your soul,
• Empower you to break free of the entrapment of sin, and
• Impart faith for the supernatural in your life.

This truth can transform your life even in the midst of your greatest personal challenge. I have found that many, if not all, of our personal challenges are rooted in a strong sense of condemnation and sin-consciousness over our past mistakes and failures.

But today, God wants you to know and believe that the blood of Jesus cleanses you from all sins and unrighteousness!

Please understand that I am not condoning sin nor supporting a sinful lifestyle. Sin is wrong, and it destroys lives! But you can receive the power to overcome sin and experience victory in areas of defeat when you realize the truth that you have God's complete forgiveness, purchased solely for you by Christ's perfect sacrifice on the cross.

God is righteous and He cannot tolerate sin. He hates the sin that had entered into man and separated us from Him.

Before the death and resurrection of Jesus, the only way for man to come into the presence of God was by offering up animal blood sacrifices to atone for their sins. But the blood of bulls and goats was never enough to obliterate sin . . . it merely covered the sin.

That's why the children of Israel had to keep bringing animal sacrifices to the priests over and over again, every time they failed.

But when Jesus died for us at the cross, He bore the punishment for all our sins — past, present and future — once and for all!

Do you know what this perfect sacrifice means for you today? It means that when you accepted Jesus and His finished work on the cross, you were placed right under the waterfall of Jesus' blood. You are kept clean and forgiven because of the continuous cleansing of His blood.

This outpouring of forgiveness never stops flowing because Jesus' sacrifice is perfect and for all eternity.

So today, it's not about your self-efforts to earn God's forgiveness, love and grace, but about His perfect sacrifice that has made a provision for forgiveness beyond what you and I can ever do.

You might be wondering, "Pastor Prince, how does knowing the complete forgiveness of my sins help me in the midst of the challenge that I'm facing right now?"

Beloved, when you know that you are constantly under this waterfall of God's forgiveness, you will dare to come boldly into His presence all the time. Instead of disqualifying yourself from His blessings, faith for miracles will arise effortlessly in your heart — for the healing you need, or for the restoration in your marriage or finances.

You'll find it easier and easier to depend on Jesus alone for every demand and need you're facing, and confidently expect to see His unfailing grace and power come through for you.

You'll experience victory over destructive habits and reign in life because His extravagant grace will change you from the inside out and cause you to want to live for His glory.

And you will find yourself walking in the joy, peace, and freedom that belong to the righteous, like never before!

Today, instead of dwelling on your challenge, meditate on His extravagant grace!

I am committed to helping you realize how completely you have been forgiven. Give thanks for the extravagant forgiveness that Jesus freely offers you!

In Christ, you are forgiven!

The Waterfall of Forgiveness
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