The Lord’s Heart Is To See You Blessed

Meditate On
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
3 John 1:2, KJV

When John, the apostle of love, wrote the Book of 3 John, he was already an elderly man, who had walked with the Lord for many years. If any man knew what the Lord’s heart for His people was, it was John.
John knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Lord’s heart for His people is that they be blessed and be in health, even as their souls are blessed. It simply delights His heart when His people are experiencing blessings in every area of their lives.
Beloved, the Lord is pleased when you are happy and healthy, enjoying your marriage, children and career. He is pleased when you can put food on the table, and have more than enough to be a blessing to the people around you.
Receive a fresh revelation of His immeasurable love for you today and begin to walk more and more in all the good things He has in store for you!

Joseph Prince


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