Living the life of righteousness
When the Poor cried out, I helped them
I gave help to the orphans who have no where to turn
Those who were in deepest misery praised me
And I helped widows find security
I have always acted justly and fairly
I was eyes for the blind
And feet for the lame
I was like a father to the poor
And took the side of strangers in trouble.
I destroyed the power of cruel men and rescued their victims.
Job 29:12-17
This is the testimony of Job, one of the righteous men who ever lived and whom God was very proud of.
His testimony about his social life should be an inspiration to all Christians
We must all endeavour to live like job, helping the poor and putting smiles on the faces of sad people.
There are people whose words always bring grief to people’s hearts and leave them wondering.
That kind of attitude would not be the hall mark of Christians and people who would want God to brag about them.
We must endeavour as Christians to take leadership seriously whenever we may find ourselves so that we can influence decisions positively and in the interest of Christendom
Tree whose roots have water always
I was like a tree whose roots always had water
and whose branches are wet with dew
Everyone was always praising me and my strength never failed me.
When I gave advice, people were silent and listened carefully to what I said
And they have nothing to add when I had finished
My words sank in like drops of rain.
Everyone welcomes them just as farmers welcome rain in the spring
Job 29: 19- 23
Comforting those who mourn
I smiled on them when they have lost confidence
and my cheerful face encouraged them
I took charge and made the decisions,
I led them as a king leads his troops
And gave them comfort in their despair.
Job 29:24-25
Wicked people
He sends down flaming coals and burning sulphur on the wicked
He punished them with scorching wind.
He loves good deeds
The Lord is righteous and loves good deeds;
Those who do them will live in His presence
Who can worship in His Presence?
Lord who may enter your temple?
Who may worship on Zion, your sacred hill?
Those who obey God in everything
And always do what is right
Whose words are true and sincere
And who do not slander others
They do not wrong to their friends
Nor spread rumours about their neighbours.
Psalm : 15 :1-3
I gave help to the orphans who have no where to turn
Those who were in deepest misery praised me
And I helped widows find security
I have always acted justly and fairly
I was eyes for the blind
And feet for the lame
I was like a father to the poor
And took the side of strangers in trouble.
I destroyed the power of cruel men and rescued their victims.
Job 29:12-17
This is the testimony of Job, one of the righteous men who ever lived and whom God was very proud of.
His testimony about his social life should be an inspiration to all Christians
We must all endeavour to live like job, helping the poor and putting smiles on the faces of sad people.
There are people whose words always bring grief to people’s hearts and leave them wondering.
That kind of attitude would not be the hall mark of Christians and people who would want God to brag about them.
We must endeavour as Christians to take leadership seriously whenever we may find ourselves so that we can influence decisions positively and in the interest of Christendom
Tree whose roots have water always
I was like a tree whose roots always had water
and whose branches are wet with dew
Everyone was always praising me and my strength never failed me.
When I gave advice, people were silent and listened carefully to what I said
And they have nothing to add when I had finished
My words sank in like drops of rain.
Everyone welcomes them just as farmers welcome rain in the spring
Job 29: 19- 23
Comforting those who mourn
I smiled on them when they have lost confidence
and my cheerful face encouraged them
I took charge and made the decisions,
I led them as a king leads his troops
And gave them comfort in their despair.
Job 29:24-25
Wicked people
He sends down flaming coals and burning sulphur on the wicked
He punished them with scorching wind.
He loves good deeds
The Lord is righteous and loves good deeds;
Those who do them will live in His presence
Who can worship in His Presence?
Lord who may enter your temple?
Who may worship on Zion, your sacred hill?
Those who obey God in everything
And always do what is right
Whose words are true and sincere
And who do not slander others
They do not wrong to their friends
Nor spread rumours about their neighbours.
Psalm : 15 :1-3